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Invest In Your Business. Invest In Your Community.
Your membership in the Atchison Area Chamber of Commerce, first and foremost, benefits you and your business.
From online listings, personal referrals and marketing opportunities, we work to get the message out about your products and services. In addition, we provide regular programs to inform you and your employees about current business and legislative issues. Your membership is also a investment in the Atchison community. Your Chamber is an active community partner with the goal of increasing tourism in the area, aiding important non-profit organizations, and improving the quality of life in the community. From annual community events to grassroots business campaigns, your Chamber is focused on the community as a whole.
You’re Invited to Experience the Benefits of Chamber Membership
which include:
Chamber Member Information Packet
The following downloadable files give you more information about the Atchison Area Chamber of Commerce and what it can do for you. The forms will also tell us a little bit more about you, so we may serve you better. If you prefer to receive a copy of these packet items by mail, please call our office manager, Dianna Kruger at 913-367-2427. You may also stop by our office in the historic Santa Fe Depot, 200 S. 10th Street in Atchison, KS 66002.
Once you have completed the Member Application form, please drop it off at the Santa Fe Depot or email it to us at president@atchisonkansas.net.
Feel free to call us anytime to discuss whether joining the Atchison Area Chamber of Commerce is right for you.
What can the Chamber do for you?
The Chamber is the No. 1 point of contact in the Atchison area, many of those calls inquiring about businesses and services. We recommend you!
One of our most successful programs ensures that money stays in the Atchison area. Each year we sell Locally Atchison Gift Cards, redeemable at local businesses. Perfect for gifts and company bonuses.
Several free and other low cost options are available, from briefs and advertisements in our weekly eNewsletter to our eBlast service. In addition, your business will be included on our web directory, along with all printed business directories we produce.
weekly Newsletter
This regular publication keeps you up to date on all Chamber business, tourism activities, and local events. Members are encouraged to submit information about their own products, services, and honors. The Chamber Chatter Newsletter is released on Tuesdays.
Educational Tools
The Chamber offers various workshops and lunch meetings aimed at keeping our members informed about current issues and trends. From website seminars to small business events, we are here to help you succeed in cooperation with each other.
Atchison’s thriving tourism industry benefits all of our members, from those centered on tourism to our largest manufacturer. The Chamber manages several events and maintains an in-depth Visit Atchison website.
The Chamber offers a number of networking opportunities from casual After Hours events to our Annual Banquet and the Chamber Golf Classic. These events help members become familiar with each other personally and with the products and services available locally.
Get Involved
Our standing councils, board of directors and many seasonal committees give members the chance to a difference-maker, both commercially and civically, these groups are invaluable to the community as a whole.
From our surge into the digital age to creative marketing and business promotions, your Chamber is always striving to find new ways to reach patrons, and always willing to learn new approaches from its member businesses.